柏斯音乐集团的创立,建基于一个理想,一个远大的理念:推广音乐文化, 培育音乐人才。为了成就这个使命,集团的每一份子,都竭尽所能,把音乐送到每一个人手上,为生活添上万千的色彩!
目前集团除了以香港的30间乐器零售及音乐学校作为基础外,更紧随中国经济急速起飞的步伐,在北京、上海、广州、深圳、武汉等二十多个城市开设了超过60间分店、建立了一个强大的零售网络。仅以零售业务就被美国Music Trade评为2011世界十大。
柏斯音乐集团在十年前更把业务向上游扩展,除了乐器零售,音乐教育外, 更发展钢琴生产,全国批发业务及售后服务等,各方面均录得骄人的成就!
在生产事业上,柏斯音乐集团在中国湖北省建立了一个庞大的生产基地, 锐意打造中国人引以为荣的国际水平的钢琴。以中国第一、世界一流作为目标,我们已经在2010年推出长江钢琴,用民族品牌向国际市场推进,让世上所有音乐爱好者都认识到中国的造琴技术已达世界水平。长江钢琴的面世,立即受到中国著名钢琴家徐沛东、刘诗昆、李名强、但昭义等一致赞赏,实在值得我们中国人引以为傲。
Parsons Music Groups was founded in 1986, from a very small outlet. After 26 years, we now become a world-class music groups.
Our foundation based on an idea, a lofty idea: “Promote music culture, Nurture music talent.” In order to achieve this mission, members of the groups do their best to present music to everyone and make their live colorful.
Beside the 30 musical instrument retails and music schools in Hong Kong as a base, we have already opened more than 60 branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan city that established a strong retail network as China's rapid economic take-off.
We was named in the American Music Trade magazine the world's top ten” of the retail business category in 2011.
Ten Years ago, Parsons Music Groups decide to have a business expansion. More than the musical instrument retail, music education, we started to have the development of piano production, national wholesale business and after-sales service that all aspects are recorded remarkable achievements!
For production career, Parsons Music Groups established a large production base in Hubei Province, China. It is determined to produce the international level piano as a goal so we launched Yangtze River piano with a national brand to promote in the international market in 2010. To let all the world music lovers recognize that Chinese-made piano technology has reached the world-class level.
Yangtze River piano get much appreciation by numbers of Chinese pianist: Xu Peidong, Liu Shikun, Li Ming Qiang, Dan Zhaoyi, etc and we deserve to be proud of.
更多信息,可以登录到 www.parsonsmusic.com.cn
地 址:哈尔滨道里区地段街217号